sábado, junio 09, 2007

Fincher's Zodiac.

This is the Zodiac speaking:

Robert Graysmith: Does anybody ever call me names?
Paul Avery: You mean like 'retard'?
Robert Graysmith: Yeah.
Paul Avery: No.

Robert Graysmith: I... I Need to know who he is. I... I need to stand there, I need to look him in the eye and I need to know that it's him.

Robert Graysmith: I've been thinking...
Paul Avery: Oh God, save us all.

Robert Graysmith: Dave! He made a mistake!
[pointing frantically at the case files in his hands while standing outside Toschi's window]
Dave Toschi: Get away from the window!

Arthur Leigh Allen: I am not the Zodiac. And if I were, I certainly wouldn't tell you.

Paul Avery: Someone should write a fuckin' book, that's for sure.

: Before I kill you, I'm going to throw your baby out the window.

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