lunes, mayo 28, 2007

Sutil reflejo de Sol.

Sheryl: [to Frank] He was snorting heroin.
Frank: [
to Grandpa] You were snorting heroin?
Grandpa: [
in response to Frank, aimed at Dwayne] Let me tell ya, don't do that stuff. When you're young, you're crazy to do that shit.
Frank: [
to Grandpa] well what about you?
Grandpa: [
to Frank] what about me? When you're old you're crazy not to do it.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Wenn die Leute ihre Träume aufrichtig erzählen wollten, da liesse sich der Charakter eher daraus erraten als aus dem Gesicht.

tics dijo...

quiero ser vieja